Hope you all had a mah-velous thanksgiving. mine was surprisingly a-ok. I was actually kind of dreading this turkey day. You see, with the exception of Christmas, my family really hasn't celebrated a holiday since my Nana died on new years eve in 2002 - which is actually one of my favorite stories to tell because it makes people feel super weird, and that is why I'll recount it for you right now.
It was my senior year of high school, she was 91 and had been battling a cold when my grandmothers health started to fritz out like a poodle with out it's Prozac. New Years Eve day I had been running around getting stuff together bc i'd be having a small get together later that night. I remember walking into the house after picking up some balloons when i saw that Nana wasn't lookin so good. Picture Britney Spears after the whole umbrella incident but old and not bald, and probably paler.
"I'm going to cancel this shindig" i said.
"No, No, No! I"ll be fine" said my grandmother as she sipped on some Brandy.
So, i did what any 17 year old would do - respected her wishes & threw a party (not a huge one - just a couple close friends). The night went on according to plan for the most part. The ball dropped. We popped confetti poppers & sang Ole Langs Syne...and then Nana died. With all my friends in the house. Talk about an awkward situation. I had to go back into the living room and be like "uhh guys....i'm really sorry to cut the night short....but uhhh...my grandmother just died....so you guys are gonna have to go". I swear to God I'm not some cold hearted bitch. I miss Nana a lot, i've just had a long time to think about the perplexity of it all and quirky humor is how i deal with things. so there.
Anyway one or both of my parents have worked pretty much every year since then, so on holidays good friends took me in like little orphan Annie or i'd make some mac & cheese and watch tv like Kevin in Home Alone (which i'm perfectly happy to do bc i don't even particularly care for turkey). This year Mom & Dad had the day off so we were invited to Aunt Carolyn's. This made me happy & sad. Happy bc i'd get to be in the Hamptons house. Sad, because, well, i'm not the closest with that side of the family. I usually sit at a table and try to avoid all the little kids questions (i.e - "why do you have stamps on your feet?!"/"why don't you have a boyfriend?"/"why am i so much cooler than you??") until my brother shows up or something happens to distract them. However, when we got there, we found out that my aunt's best friend's entire family would be attending dinner, not mine. "Hmm, this could be interesting" I thought to myself. And man was I right. I spent most of the day talking to the Linda's grandson about music, photography and his future at Oneonta and two younger girls about Twilight. BEST THANKSGIVING EVER. By 5:00 my mom had gotten sloshed and from about 5:30 till we pulled in to the driveway at home around 7:45, she asked "Where did Janice & Ron go" every 20 minutes. Nice.
i got home & headed back out to see 2 of my favorite Danny's later in the evening, which made things even better. if you've learned anything about me from this blog, you should know that i love my friends. I especially love getting to see ones that i haven't in a while (ESPECIALLY WHEN VAL COMES TO QUEENS), which is why the rest of this week was pretty awesome too. Wednesday night, after causing quite a stir between all the scalpers at MSG, one of them asking for my number & locking myself in the bank, I got to hang with Dustin & Matt @ the Penguin game. I don't think I've seen my bff Dustin Baker since my birthday, so a Cook/Baker reunion put a huge smile on my face. So did going to Tracks after the game. My hangover the next morning did not. How i woke up with branches in my hair & something stuck in my eye, i'll never know.... Thursday night i went to Rob Hitt's surprise birthday party. i SWORE i wouldn't drink again, but i have a really hard time turning down margaritas. Oops! I came home and was this close to having my mom take my to the ER bc my eye was all jacked up & swollen. I braved it though, and thankfully i woke up yesterday morning with my vision restored. HALLELUJAH! thank you little baby jesus.
Oh! also got the blackberry bold bc my poor little curve stopped scrolling down. I like it. It's super bright & now i can watch the Mother's Day & Cunningham Muffins videos whenever i want
We got the Cook Christmas tree today. After seeing only 3 trees, we found this years. I believe it's the quickest we've ever found one. This bitch is excited as hale to decorate it.
Here are some pics that have absolutely nothing to do w/anything. The plumber was here a couple weeks ago & took everything out of my closet. This was the first dress i put back in & really liked the way it looked.

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