Anyway, Saturday I went on a roadtrip with Uncle Hitt & Co. We hopped in his little Sentra and drove up to see Four Year Strong at The Palladium in Worcester. It was nuts. Kids in the pit were going crazy and there were at least 50 people watching from the stage. As an added bonus, I got to see my favorite Boston Bitches. Horrah!

Today, Vipes & I went to the Guggenheim. It was so inspiring. To be this close from the brush strokes in a Van Gogh or Renoir is super trippy. I just kinda stared at most of the paintings in awe. Seeing every little line and imagining what the painter was thinking about when he created a specific piece, and then where it is today, makes all the little wheels in my brain spin in my brain like The Scrambler.
Here's to 2009.
Happy Hogmanay
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