Tonight I met up with Amy for some reunion tea, because that's what we do when she comes back home. We order coffee & tea, set up shop in Dunkin' Donuts and talk for hours & hours, because that flame broiled Burger King smell is so hard to get out of your clothes. Amy's my best friend from high school. We've known each other since we were in middle school, but back then, my only friends were beanie babies and my cat because i was innocent little girl who collected colored pens. That was until she corrupted me. I remember asking Amy why she didn't participate in gym one sunny day when we were in 7th grade. She bluntly told me she was on the rag and my jaw almost fell off my face. When i was younger, i didn't talk about sluffing or use curse words and i boycotted American Pie. After that answer, Amy & I didn't talk for a while. I was scared of her. She was headed down a path with the "cool" kids that smoked after school and copied each others homework. I wanted no part of that life! I was pure and enjoyed the TGIF lineup! Then, in 9th grade, after most of the kids had left our middle school (we had the option to stay for 9th or go to the high school), and i ditched all my Winnie The Pooh clothing, me & Amy found ourselves hanging out more and more. Sure there were times when she was that time she was supposed to come over after school but wouldn't get off the bus with me. Or the time she blamed me for the breakup between her & her boyfriend because i "made" her go see Moulin Rouge! But, we came to be best friends. Amy taught me how to come out of my shell and is partly responsible for my potty mouth and sense of humor. She's the only one i've ever spent an hour laughing about the word "supervisor" with. Sober.
I was looking at pictures i took & developed when i was in college the other day. I miss developing my own film so much. Being in the darkroom and seeing my pictures pop up out of nowhere was really, as lame as it sounds, special. I took this first picture of Russ, junior year for a natural light portrait project. He's so handsome, black eye & all!

Since i don't have a darkroom, I've been trying to use my Polaroid Land Camera more often. It's not exactly the same, but there's still that element of anticipation to see if your picture's going to turn out. I especially love the series 3 pictures down. I went to the Planting Fields with parents today and got some shots in. Sorry if this isn't the most exciting post...but this stuff makes me happy.

Tuna - In reference to your cross country drive idea...can i come too?? imagine the muxtape!
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