Fact: i enjoy shooting inanimate objects 100% more than portraits. I think it's bc you never have to worry about a flower looking unattractive. Mother Nature would never let that happen. Sometimes taking portraits can get super awkward. Being up in someones face, invading their personal space can get le strange, so I try and make my subjects laugh. Today when i was photographing Dan in my office, i tried to relax him by telling him the "What's the difference between Jelly and Jam?" joke. (answer - i can't jelly my dick in your mouth. Thanks for that one Leah) He did not laugh and this was when i realized "maybe that was super inappropriate and should only be told at bars". Perhaps I'll have to take out a new joke book for my next session.

Then i found this picture. It was taken the night we graduated college and makes me smile like a dope to this day. I don't remember much from graduation weekend - success? I remember the boys finding my bra and making the aim face, taking sweaty mexican shots, trying to balance a bottle of vodka on our noses, mimosa's, a certain 2 people making out on an E golf gaming machine at the OST and someone not making it to the bar at all. I remember running into Moody at dinner and you calling his girlfriend the night before, singing her a kelly clarkson song and then telling her not to call his phone again that night. And I remember running in to the kitchen to take this picture, how long it took us to get ready that morning and trying to get our hair just right under those stupid stupid caps. I remember the blisters that my red heels left on my feet and repeating "please don't fall. please don't fall. please don't fall." over and over again on the way to get my diploma. But more importantly i will always remember how much each one of you meant to me then (and now). I don't care if you told me i was "like an orange missing a slice", puked on our apartment floor and ruined the shopvac bc you lost your tolerance, or how many times you tried to kill my beloved Mutsy, a day doesn't go by where i don't miss spending morning, noon & night with you guys.

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