Never. That is the answer. You are an asshole. I don't care (sayin I don't caaaaare - Folie A Duex out 12/16) how much you really like cheese and milk. Now your punishment is to sit here and feel terrible while your stomach makes funny noises, all because you're a dumb bitch who ate lobster bisque.
Went to a lovely dinner w/Uncle Stew & Melanie tonight. We went to
Keen's Chop House. It's fun bc old smoking pipes line the ceiling - from Abe Lincoln's to Chuck Norris' - for serious - a real eclectic collection. It's not so fun bc i can't eat much on the menu. Anyway, I hadn't been to dinner w/them since before i left for tour and they let me do what i do best - talk - for most of the evening, so it was super nice. Plus they pay. Tonight was no different, we talked about tour and work and life and they say things i don't really agree with, so i just nod and smile...and then Melanie asked:
"sooo are you seeing anyone? dating around?".
No. I am not.
"but why? you should be. most normal people your age are. are you a lesbian in hiding?" (please keep in mind these are people who told me to "dress appropriately" tonight...yea, bc i'm gonna wear my "that's what she said" shirt to a 5 star restaurant - i like having an excuse to wear my cute outfits dumb dumbs).
ok...this is where i get upset.
1. why is it bc i'm not seeing anyone, i'm automatically all about the carpet? (not that there's anything wrong w/that. i love lesbians. i have lesbian friends. you go girls. i like the way you're livin. congrats on getting CT to recognize.)
2. why do i have to "go to a nice meal" with a boy that i'm not interested in? That's just using someone and waisting their time. Wanna buy me a hoegaarden at the bar? That's great! Thanks dude! But if i'm not interested in you, i will walk over to my friends immediately after and try to avoid you by playing naked lady photohunt. If you can't tell, i'm not really into that or spending time with people i don't particularly care for. please see point 3.
3. I have really really great friends i like spending time with. Why can't i be happy going on "dates" with my girlfriends? Of course, i would love to have a boy that i could do fun things with. I have great date ideas. It would be even better if that boy fit in with my close group of friends and spoke our language (look at the ducks, donkey!) and got it, but if i can't, i'm not going to cry about it. whimper & whine maybe, but cry? nah.
But it also makes me does one respond to this question? I've been asked before and i can't decide what's worse. When dudes you like ask the question - bc you really wanna scream the answer "bc you're being stupid and won't pick me"??? Or when your 7 year old cousin asks at easter dinner, in front of your entire family, and you're put on the spot and have to try to break it down & explain. in their language. in front of everyone eating their easter ham. I'm not sure....maybe i'll just tell the next person "i'm single because i'm ashleycat."
Anywayyyyy in other news...went to
this with Gaby,
Rocks & TTN on Sunday night. I heart Banksy. I never thought i'd get to see any of his work, so it was kind of a big deal. It was pretty sweet. Here are some pics:

Also this past weekend: saw the Islanders lose to the Devils 2 -1. Way to kick off the season kids. Really rode in on the failboat nicely.

Had an ohnoashleycattothemax night out on bell after the game, followed by White Castle belly bombs, shana falling off chairs and walking in the house as my dad was walking out for work. way to go team.
Saturday i brought sassy back with Cobra @ Nokia. It was gabe's bday and it was soooo nice to see 2 of my favorite Dans.

thats all i gots.
Poll: Have i been writing about drinking too much? The ads down at the bottom today were "how to beat your DUI charge" & "need rehab?". eek.