Aruba... arubaarubaaruba. let's review:
Thursday morning I was woken up at 5:45 to get on a plane to One Happy Island called Aruba. In the airport i bought 3 magazines and the new David Sedaris book (which might be my fave so far of his) - how it cost me $40, i'll never know. We waited and waited to get on the plane. When we finally boarded I was stuck next to the lovebirdies known as my sister & her boyfriend that read Cosmo together. I love my sister & i'm glad she's found happiness and love and all that jazz, but this is what i don't understand: how do you hold hands with someone for 4 hours and 45 minutes straight? don't your palms get sweaty? it made me sick to my stomach, but it's cool bc i didn't my stomach pill before the ride back. Use your imagination. Let's just say my sister & I are about even now.

So we land and we're greeted at the door by my family and a kind man giving out drinks. After mass hysteria/jetlag/chugging, it was off to the room i'd share with my SNORING parents for the next 4 days to freshen up and prepare for the beach. I got down to the water, beers in hands and it was amazing. exactly how i remembered it 6 years before. Crystal clear happiness. My bro rented us some jet skis and off we went. I have NEVER been on one before so i was terrified but after a couple minutes i was like "aright aright! i CAN do this!" i practiced some figure 8's and donuts. it was awesome. Later that night we went to a place called Texas De Brazil where my parents friend works. We had this sick glassed-in private room where we all sat, drank and argued. My brother started a fight with me spitting out phrases like "you'll never get a married bc you're not independent and still live at home and you're spoiled". I had been drinking and went right for the horrific stab in the chest comeback of "You're just mad they love me more". This was a bad idea. He left, my mom started yelling at my dad for not defending me, yada yada yada, they brought out a birthday cake (which was awesome - it had the Arubian flag & my name on it) and my brother refused to sing. Sorry Taylor.

Day 2 rolled around and it was time to go on an advencha. We decided snorkeling would be grand and boarded "Mi Dushi". Probably the best name for a boat in the entire world. It means "My Sweetheart" and will be my new favorite word. My cousin Peter was too hung over to go and spent the day at the hotel. While on our fishing trip i saw starfish, nemos and jumped - and by jumped i mean fell - off a rope swing. I landed right on my chesticles. I've never been in more pain. Blogger allows me to upload the video - however, it's way too embarrassing. Once we got to land i decided to drink. heavily. After a couple margaritas on the rocks, Ashleycat decided she wanted to play. I came to my senses and realized this was a terrible idea and passed out. I don't really remember the rest of that night. It may or may not have included losing money in the slot machines.

The next day or so was spent going to town (where were told Justin Timberlake & Jessica Beil were in town for Timbalands wedding) and laying around the pool/beach. I believe i was sitting in the pool sipping on a mudslide when i looked over and saw none other than Chris Cornell (not the merch God, but of Sound Garden fame). No one believed me. "That guys too skinny" "Chris Cornell would never wear a pink bathing suit" "That dude's European" they all said. So they started screaming "CHRIS! CHRISSSSS". I was mortified. Long story short - they finally all believed me, it was Chris Cornell and we wound up being on the same flight back to NY. I wanted to die.
So that was that. Most of what happened in Aruba. Once i upload the rest of my pictures, you'll get more posts.
Here are more pics:

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