this is from when me, mom & dad went to the planting fields last summer. i feel like something funny happened this day, but i can't remember what. the only story that comes to mind, which has nothing to do with this picture, is the time my parents asked if i wanted to go to the aquarium. They told me to pack my cameras so i could take some awesome pictures. I was 20 years old and so excited to get to go see the dolphins at the brooklyn aquarium, i couldn't get in to the car fast enough. we started driving down the road, but didn't get on the parkway. "maybe they have a new way of getting there" i thought. We kept driving and finally my dad pulled over. I looked out and saw the sign for FISH TOWN USA. what?! I looked at my parents confused and they just started cracking up. They each knew that by aquarium, they really meant the fish store. I however didn't get the memo. They made me get out of the car and walk around the pet store like we were really at an aquarium...even suggesting what to take pictures of. ah yes....whattafamily.
these guys are precomputercrashof2006 when i lost all my photographs. i love love love this picture. i wish i hadn't lost the original. it was from when Nana Bunny was moving out of her house and Shan & I went over to watch her grandkids.
i think this is from the nassau county fair a couple years ago. <3. You probably see a pattern in my pictures. My most favorite things to photograph are ferris wheels and other carnival wonderment.

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