Last night we went out for Scotch Tape's birthday. We had a lovely dinner filled with lots of red wine and laughs (cheeeeeezy). But seriously, we told that story about Doug ripping his underwear off at the table. I think i almost died, even though it was the third time i had heard it that day. After that, I was dragged to a new bar called Ace. Thank you for dragging me. It may be one of my new favorite spots. Any place that integrates ski ball & beer gets a stamp of approval in my book. It even had a Family Guy pin pall machine. So cool. If i was writing this on BBM, this is where I'd put the thumbs up sign.
Going to the new ale house in a little bit. It's not as good as the old one, but it might pass the test. We'll see.
Can't wait for tomorrow! I'm going
here. I will run over to
J. Jacques's booth and blabber on and on about how much i love his comic and have a little crush on Marten (yes, the cartoon). Then sunday it's BOARDYBARN! I CANT WAIT!!!!!!
Here's 2 more oldies bc i have nothing new to show you.

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