Anyway, I'm sorry I've been such a floozy, running around instead of postin' blogs. The past couple weeks have been jam packed with adventure. I saw Slumdog Millionaire (I backed it. It was a bit too long for my attention span, but it was shot beautifully) and The Unborn (ugh! booooooo! worst ever! company excluded. Not one of Michael Bay's finest pieces of work). Still haven't seen Notorious yet and I'm pretty bummed about it. I did however get to see my favorites play at Nassau Coliseum, though. I enjoy going to the coliseum for 3 reasons:
1. This is where I graduated from high school & like to let everyone know it.
2. The color scheme - who doesn't love blue, white, & orange?
3. It's the home of a shitty shitty hockey team that we will not discuss because they've broken my heart into more pieces than Heath Ledgers death. Too soon?
The show was great. There were midgets walking around and metal detectors that I couldn't pass through because of all the junk in my pockets AND I scored a goal by sticking my entire body into a NHL net - a concept the Islanders are unfamiliar with, apparently.

Since I had Monday off from work and it makes me sad to leave the dudes, I decided to invade their home and stay on the bus for a couple days. Ten thousand farts, lots of whiskey shots, two stops in Ohio, countless episodes of Frisky Dingo, too much Ryan Adams, Segway rides and a 3AM Wal*Mart stop later, we got to Minneapolis & it was time for me to leave. Thank you for your hospitality boys.

Big Tuna came to New York which was a nice little treat. It was fun to hang and have a delicious lunch out with him, Scotch Tape & Ant$$. Falling in a pothole on the way to said lunch, was not so much fun.
Friday night we had Swamy Shana's surprise birthday party. Erica did a great job organizing everything. After playing a big game of flip cup and sucking helium out of balloons, everyone wound up on Bell. A couple car bombs and a bar switch later, we turned into unstoppable dancing machines. Total shit show. Matt was walking around with a neon green napkin tied as a bandanna around his head, Rocks was trying to put chalk on people and I was trapped in a corner by a dude so drunk he couldn't unlock his iPhone. It's just a sliding motion people! C'mmon! Thanks for helping me out of that pickle, guys!

I spent most of today running errands and trying to watch the homeboys play football. I was excited because I haven't played since junior year of college, but because teams were uneven, they wouldn't let me play. "Just sit out for 45 minutes until Steve leaves, then we'll let you in the game." Yea right guys. It was colder than my heart outside (roughly 28 degrees), and I felt like the little sister from the Berenstain Bears so I up and left, called Jlingus and went for a mani/pedi. I feel so accomplished! My happiness level is around 89% right now.
I also feel so very feel sleepy. So for now, I wish you sweet dreams.
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