January is almost over. I know this because today is one of my besties beedays. Thanks for being so awesome January.
Things I'm looking forward to in February:
- Polar Bear Swim in Long Beach. I've been saying I wanted to be a member of the Polar Bear Club since I was 15. I couldn't participate last year because I had a sickness. THIS WILL BE MY YEAR. I'm diving head first into the frigid waters of Long Beach this Sunday and will live to tell about it. i.cant.wait.
- Valentines Day. I think I'm one of the few people that wake up not hating Valentines Day (by the time I fall asleep might be a different story). I like chocolate and hearts and excuses to give people cards. This year, if all works out, I will be spending the weekend with the loves of my life: The Wormers. The plan is to get the hamptons house, set up shop on the comfy couches, tye die red shirts and iron on funny sayings, bake these crazy vanilla cupcakes with a cherry pie filling I've been dying to make, watch every season of The Office, drink lots of beer, play scrabble, make some prank phone calls and laugh. Perfect<3!
- A three day weekend.
- Maybe an Islanders/Devil game which will mark my first appearance at a home game this season. I'll be wearing my jersey and a pout. And maybe, just maybe, they'll actually score some goals and win a game. Probably not.
- JIMMY EAT WORLD. Shana and myself (along with a couple hundred of my closest friends) will be enjoying the 10 Year Anniversary Clarity Tour on the 23rd. I'll be the girl in the back sobbing gleefully to myself. Can you still feel the butterflies? YES. YES I CAN.

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