Man, I forgot how much fun it was to "do things". Back in 2006, I used to go out and do things all the time. I'd to go to antique sales and museums and festivalish things and then I feel like it all sort of stopped. I really have no idea why. It's not like our weekends got super hectic. And the Ale House shut down, so it's not like I was spending most of my time on a barstool in Seaford. Regardless, 2009 will once again be the year of doing things. If 2008's theme song was "This Is It", 2009's is "Get On Your Feet". That kind of sounded like a Jenny Craig advertisement.
Anyway, one thing I enjoy very much is Disney on Ice. I enjoy anything Disney, really. I think it's because every May my parents would take us to Disney World. This is the reason why I can't do fractions & don't know percents, but I digress. Last week, D.O.I rolled into town and Shana said she was down to go, which was sweet, because if I went to this alone there was a good chance I would look like a pedophile. I was like a mailman trying to get there. Neither rain, nor sleet nor snow would keep my late-bloomer ass from overgrown characters on skates! I risked my life, driving 30 miles an hour on a snow covered unpaved Northern State Parkway just to get there on time. And boy was it worth it. We walked in, got our tickets & went straight to the souvenirs.

This years theme was The Incredibles go to Disney Land. Not as good as the princess one I saw a couple years back, but ok to say the least. My two favorite parts of the show were definitely when these soldier dudes got one of those spinning circle move going. It's a classic. They even use it in Slap Shot and The Rockettes get an honorable mention for doing it too.

The Haunted Mansion part of the show topped the list though. Nassau Coliseum was decked out in black lights, looking much like some of my friends freshman dorm rooms, and super trippy. I've never seen it, but I imagine cirque de soleil has similar lighting. Favorite moment that is not pictured: one of the skaters busting his ass. twice.

In the keeping with the "doing things" theme, I've decided I'll be taking a roadtrip to Graceland over Easter weekend and I'm totally pumped. You may turn up your nose and poo-poo this idea, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be glorious.
In other news, these are my new bad-mama-pah-jamma pants. They're not the most comfortable, in fact the embroidery is kinda annoying and itchy, but I think they're super cute. Growing up I always wanted striped pajama's. I know that's kind of an odd thing to want when you're 4...then again, I wanted a cat that was pink, purple & blue. Never got that cat...20 years later I finally got the pj's, though.

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