But speaking of complaining, i might as well blow off a lil steam. I'm pretty convinced that Spencer Pratt just may be the devil incarnate. Lucifer himself. i'm not sure why he's been on my mind all day...maybe bc i saw that horrible photoshoot he did w/heidi for US magazine? But Dude. That douchebag is what's wrong with the world. Why nothing is fair, gas prices are high and there are starving children in Africa. I blame all of it on him. I don't wish him death, but definitely maybe a coma? He reminds me of this dude that dated one of my friends in college that tried to have me kicked out for having a microwave. That's right President Donovan & all my RA's - i had a microwave, right under my bed, for all 2 years i lived on campus and guess what...i cooked many a things in that microwave (pasta anytimes, popcorn, easy mac, bagel bites, cup o noodles) sober & not so sober and guess what else...i didn't burn anything down. Not once did anything catch on fire. This is exactly what Mr. Pratt wants though. More press....and ya know what? 10 pesos says he has his name in google blog reader, will now see this and release a press statement trying to tell the world what's wrong with me.
Last weekend was Warped Tour. Im so nervousslashexcited about going out next week. FRIDAY Vipes and I will take over!!! Watch out boise!!! I can't believe it's time already & that tour's almost completely over. (Where'd this summer go? I feel like just yesterday i was waiting to get in to Boardy Barn... which btw - i still have the goddamn V tan). I tested out my bunk monday. It's so cozy. I hope we all tell ghost stories before we fall asleep. Not really scary ones, because then i'll never fall asleep, but cute ones about Casper. My feet are still dirty from going in the FYS pit w/out shoes on with Gaby. (Don't judge. i'm not one of those girls....yes, i did wear flip flops to warped...however, i took them off so i wouldn't lose them. it makes sense). Miraculously,my feet were not damaged, but i am having trouble lifting my right arm above my head.
Also last weekend, Shana & I went over to Jamies & danced around in the rain before i jumped in her pool during the storm. Probably not the smartest thing to do, i definitely could have been struck by lightning - but hey...i'm a risk taker. We also watched Penelope (which was so cute & depressing) and the forever classic Anchorman. There have been talks about getting "Stay Classy" tattoos for Rock's bday tomorrow. Aye Carumba.
That's pretty much it. The new Four Year Strong video was released today. Check it out. i think you'll like it. It was a fun set to be on and Jake's Snoop impression is kinda dead on.
That's pretty much all i got for ya. i really really really want a bagel and so i'm super distracted.
here are some old old old pics of some carnival i went to last summer i think?

1 comment:
fuck yes! tomorrow!! EEK!
in addition to ghost stories,
we must also force the boys to play
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