well, here's something - Friday, Danielle, Alex & myself chose outside the bun and went to the big T-Bell for lunch. It was the first time i'd had it since a drunk night on longuyland many moons ago. I like to people watch as you may or may not know, and so as i was eating my little taco, who do i spy walking in to the door? Kirsti Alley. As soon as she walked in, she kinda did an about face and left...maybe she was upset bc everybody knew her name and weren't so glad she came.

Saturday Rocks, the Gavster & I braved the thousand degree heat and went to the Village Restoration to see the Civil War Reenactment. You're probably wondering why i went and if i've gone before and the answers are "i don't know" and "yes". It's not like i'm a huge history buff, but there's something about grown men playing dress up that amuses me. We pulled in to the parking lot and someone's license plate said "GEN HILL"...that also amused me. Because it was so hot, they cut the war short, but, if you listened carefully during battle you could hear some of the ridiculous things the dudes said when they decide they'd had enough, were "hit" and died. I was cracking up when i heard someone scream "WHY ME?!!" and decided that even though this battle wasn't as long, it was just as good. I also saw a pig that had balls bigger than Cisco Adler. It was nuts. (pun intended).

I wound up staying home again last night and watched "The Ex" starring Zack Braff, Jason Bateman and a slue of other A-Listers with my sister. I kinda back it...then again, I backed "Kicking & Screaming" with Will Ferrell (can't wait for Step Brothers Friday).
Today we had my nieces second birthday party at the house. My bro's mom & her side of the family came over as well as my dad's. I thought it was pretty cool that after 20 something years my dad could sit in between my mom & his ex wife and everyone laughed & exchanged recipes. I kinda felt like the 3 of them were like Kate Hudson, that guy w/the long hair she was married to & Lance Armstrong. My niece is so so so cute. I just wish she'd start saying my name!

oh! i got my Land Camera to work. After buying 90$ worth of film and blowing thru (threw? though? someone please tell me which one i use) about $20 of it in an hour with no results, i FINALLY got it to work. Here's some shitty pictures of the pictures...i'll scan em for reals when i get a hot minute. i'm happy w/the way these 2 turned out.

ok that's it for me. hope you all got a chance to see batman.
PS - this is awesome. I love love love Girl Talk & someone on youtube is making videos for all the tracks off his latest album. it's pretty sweet and looks like it took an amazing about of time to do. check it out.
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