What a busy weekend i've had....it kind of flowed in to the week, which is why i'm just getting to this now. Friday night Mr. Matt Greco came over for the first time in months and we watched one of the Resident Evil movies. Well, i partially watched it from behind my hands (zombies are my biggest fear in life if you didn't know). He laughed at me and played w/his new iPhone, which he waited online 6 hours to get. I don't understand all the hubbub. I love my blackberry. I will not trade it in 6 months from now, and if i do, someone point this out to me and call me an idiot if i start to complain about the iPhone. Saturday my dad woke me up and was all "you wanna go to the Mets game today?". I was like sure why not! So after putzin round the house for a couple hours we met up w/a neighbor and ventured over to Shea. My dad bought me my favorite Carvel treat (soft serve vanilla with rainbow sprinkles) in a baseball helmet and the mets won their 8th game in a row. I wish i had taken my camera but i was too lazy to carry it. Caturday night me, rocks, jamie & ali decided to try out the new Croxleys in Farmingdale. It's where the downtown was, which is kind of weird, but i think i back it. There are 70 beers on tap. Unfortunately i didn't get to try any bc i was sober sista, but it was solgoodman bc it was a blasty blast. A bunch of old faces showed up which was really awesome. Here are some pics courtesy of mizz D.Rocks

Yesterday Shana & I went for a long walk and saw an extra special sneaky showing of "The Dark Night". Until you've seen it, all i'm saying was it was amazing and heath ledger is phenomenal. On top of all that i found out we have a new puppy!!! His name is Cruiser but i think i'll wind up calling him Cruise or Mini Me. He's incredibly cute but his breath smells like poop. Dylan keeps licking him to death. I hope they become bff's and i one day have to confront them about txting each other bc they're going over our family share plan. All he really does is sleep & wag his tail. Here are some pics of him. You can start "awwwwwing" now.

Here's another pic from Rock's collection. it's from my bday weekend in the hamptons & i think it's super cute. :

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