oh well, guess i'll just have to settle and make it my status on facebook.
i really shouldn't be writing this. i have to wake up in 4 hours & go to the airport. i can't believe tomorrow is the day. tomorrow is the day i've been talking about since march....since before march, really. my very first time on tour. i'm so so so nervous (where's a girl to poop and shower??) but so so so excited. you can catch all the live blogging i'll be doing for FriendsOrEnemies.com, here. i'm hoping we somehow run in to a Sonic so i can try the new fried ice cream blast. i loves me some fried ice cream.
i'm slowly recovering from last weekend, although my chest is still bruised from the traumatic rounds of vomiting that took place. Note to self: never again drink Goldschlager before going out. You are no longer in your teens and your body can't handle it. After i was kicked out of Monahan's for puking, i decided to leave them a nice present on their side walk: some more throw up! (this blog entry may be the reason why i don't have a boyfriend....perhaps?). Some guys started a bet and asked what i had for dinner....this is where Shana verbally bitch slapped him, so i'm told. I remember nothing else except for watching bits & pieces of super bad when i got home - the reason - my away message looked something like this: fogal this is bigger than us, sdjfkfgfgdfla groaslkw soem balllsjds.
Before pukefest 2k8 happened, jamie & i went to the Hall Of Science in flushing, right by those big spaceships from Men in Black and the Lemon Ice King of Corona.(there's an amazing pic under that lemon ice link). It was ok....no the place to go if you're in the mood to read stuff. Anddd the kids cutting me lines really bothered me, but i told myself "ash, calm down, today is not the day you get arrested for kicked a kid". I also found out that Plinko is merely a game of probability. See below for an example. Who knew?

i'm kinda getting really into the "Twilight" book series but fear for the youth of America that think relationships are supposed to be that way. Harry Potter FTW.
i love you basil.
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