Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just Watch The Fireworks

Yawn! I'm so very sleepy right now! Which is strange, because for the first time in months, I slept past noon today. Why is that? How come you get the tireds after you've slept more? Do any sleep scientists read my blog? Can someone explain this phenomenon to me?

Hope you had a great July 4th holiday weekend. Mine was a-ok, thanks for askin! Thursday, Dad and I went to this cute little atrium called Clark Gardens out on the island. My ankles haven't been covered in this many mosquito bites since I was about 8. Speaking of bug bites, I just found out that The Wormers will be going head-to-head with Mother Nature at the end of August. Watch out, here comes a whole lotta caps lock: I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED THAT WHEN I THINK ABOUT IT I JUMP UP AND DOWN AND THEN I SMILE A LOT AND THEN I STOP WHEN I THINK ABOUT HOW LONG I HAVE TO WAIT!!!! I've never been camping before in my life, EVER. I'm from Queens, I have no clue how to turn off a fire and was never allowed to sleep in the backyard for fear of tick bites and kidnapping (f'reals). I'm packing beer & s'more fixins, that's it...and maybe that blanket with feet thing that I have that was one of Oprah's favorite things in 1999. Seriously, CAN NOT WAIT!

That picture up there is a passion flower, I believe. I found it in the gardens when I went with my Dad and also on the 4th of July last year when we were in Austin. A homeless man gave me one and I wore it in my hair till it started to wilt. This was the third consecutive awesome Fourth I've spent with Danielle and co. We stuck around the east coast and thanks to her awesome apartment, had a sweet view of the Macy's fireworks.

It was really nice to see them after not being around for a few years. Growing up, I made it my business to see the Macy's fireworks. Because summer camp was always used as a threat in my house, my fireworks were pretty much the one thing I looked forward to every summer (and lightning bugs of course). There were the years I watched from my bedroom window, while I had the tv on in my room for comparison, and the years we'd go to the dock with sparklers and Goldfish and blankets and just sit on the grass or in the car and watch, and the year we took the boat all the way to Hell's Kitchen and had ashes falling on us, and the other year when we ran out of gas on the way back in. Ahh to be young again.

Ok, I have to go wash this Queen Helen face mask off and my eyes are about to shut ANDDDD I have to wake up early for a doctors appointment. Can't wait to take my scarred tonsils to see the ENT tomorrow morning! Yay!!


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