Metaphorically speaking, that is. In reality it's just
lil ole' me. Other suitable titles for this post could have been "Back to life, back to reality"
orrr "Guess who's back?" and then I would have started this post with "Ashley's back! Tell your friends", but I don't like
Ememinem. Anyways, I made it! I survived another family trip to Aruba and returned home with only minor cuts and bruises.
After having my Dad buy me beers during our 3 hour delay, and almost having to land in Curacao, we landed on One Happy Island late Saturday night. Check out my section of the lovely
Kapooah suite:

Most of the trip was spent
hangin' by the pool,
Balashi, and
playin' Bingo. I was no luck dragon, but my slut of a sister won $150 one day. She spent the money on a romantic dinner with her boyfriend. What. A. Waste.

Monday was full of ups and downs. Literally. Because of our soggy June, I guess I never got used to the heat and
because I don't really eat breakfast on a
regular basis, I learned the hard way that this does not spell success. But it does spell fainting F-A-I-N-T. The first time I ever faint, I faint at a bar - a very hard marble one at that - while asking for water. I WOULD. I banged my chin on the way down that has left me with this sweet
gash-ious scar and healed cuts on my tongue. My knee took the brunt of the injury, though. By crashing on the tile floor, my knee saved my head, and was awarded a nice black & blue and some swelling. Thanks, knee! My ankle's a little bitch that felt left out and wanted to get in on the action, so it got all twisty & bruised, too. It now clicks whenever I move. The look on my parents face when they found my sad pathetic butt, surrounded by hotel
employees, was no where close to the smile on my Mom's pretty face below. I'm just glad I didn't pee myself.

I was mostly recovered from my earlier incident when Aunt Claudia, Uncle George, Peter & John showed up that evening. Senor Frogs also played a big roll in my speedy recovery that night. With out it, I wouldn't have been able to have yards of margaritas and forget I was a gimp. Seriously though, we had so much fun. I don't think I've seen my Dad dance the chicken dance since a 1993 house party that involved liquid light necklaces. Peter Cook got funky. Oh! And! I don't think my family has ever seen me get a lap dance from strange men or funnel Sambuca before, so it was
entertaining for the whole family and not awkward in the least!

On Friday, Mom, Aunt Claudia and I went to
The Butterfly Farm. Now, I don't know if you know this about me, but I have a thing for butterflies. I'm not crazy like
Mariah Carey, but growing up my favorite book was
The Butterfly Jar and every summer these 2 very special butterflies would land on my head whenever I was in our pool... I haven't been somewhere as peaceful as the farm in a really long time. Butterflies were
fluttzin around my head, hanging out in trees, and staying still long enough for me to take their pictures. They were everywhere and it made me really happy. Friday was a good day.

It was a good trip. I got to hang out with my parents (and learn new things about them - I had no idea my Dad loves Chelsea Handler) and just get out of New York and relax and swim...and I needed that.
I have so so
sooooo many more pics, but I've decided I'm going to split them up and post some more in the coming days. Plus I'm sorta sleepy and I left my glasses at work so things are getting blurry. I think that's the first time I've used the phrase "getting blurry", not pertaining to events from the night before the day after drinking, since I was about 18. New high or new low?