Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yours To Keep

I'm currently watching season 3 of The Office. Andy Bernard is one of my least favorite characters of all time. I really don't think it's my pms saying this, but I want to kick Andy in the nuts while someone else rips out his vocal chords. Homeboy needs to take it down a notch.

Aside from watching my glorious DVDs from the comfort of my bed, I've been baking a lot. Earlier in the week I made some delicious Beer Bread with mah fave, Sam Adams Cherry Wheat. Deeeelish.

After learning my "Levon" lesson on Tuesday, I learned to pick something a little more "crowd friendly" at karaoke on Friday. I got really into Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know". I wish my Rosie Perez impression was this dead on. One day it will be - it's on my life goal list. Seriously. The night came to a close after we stole a marble owl we named "Hoo" from the bar and got some t. bell. I woke up Saturday morning with a tequila headache, after fending off advances from that creep Ali who tried to make me the little spoon during the middle of the night. Creep.

Last night I stayed in and made cupcakes for my Dad's 55th birthday. Bailey's Irish Cream, regular and white chocolate chips, topped off with a vanilla mint frosting. Yahatzee!

Here's to that snow storm of the century.
Anything's possible on a snow day!

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