Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If you’re looking for thrills Then get cold feet

(The song of the week is "I Do Not Hook Up" by mmmmKELLYCLARKSON. Sweet, sweet, Kels has done it once again and produced a song that will now be considered my anthem and sung at the top of my lungs when no one is around. Thank you for that.)

Only a baby post tonight. Sorry I've been M.I.A. I've had bigger fillet o' fish to fry. By that, I mean I've been watching so many episodes of bridal shows on WE that my male friends are oddly concerned for my mental health, and drinking till I black out. Welcome to my nightmare.

Anyway, A. I miss this:
and B. We will discuss St. Patrick's Extended Weekend 2009 and all the magic (make-a-wish make-outs, insults and accusations, alcohol theft, etc.) that came with it, just night tonight. I'm sure you'll be glued to the edge of your seat till my next post.

oh P.S. - not sure if anyone who reads my blog is a fan of BMX and I'm not sure if it's old, but this is pretty sweet. It's inspired me to dust off my Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 game, pop it in my PS2 and knock over some ladders in Woodward. Cha ching


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