Because I've been so busy writing about things that I want to buy off the interwebs and lovey dovey pukey stuff, I don't even think I've recapped several highlights from this summer. I think I'll do a full recap in a couple weeks, here's just a few stories in the meantime.

The Wormers took on the Hamptons for the third consecutive summer in a row a couple weeks back. Highlights include falling off a cooler, myself & most of my bathing suit being swept away at sea, serious Wormer talks, Tienna Road!!!, jumping on the bed photo shoot, the cab ride to The Drift, The Drift, the dancing at The Drift, the make outs at The Drift, Corndog & his friend who hates his girlfriend & desperately needed Tums coming over at 4 AM, finding out Cordog's real name, sitting at the end of the dock and having weird dudes be like "Oh, were we interrupting you guys?", and rating boys on the Bagel Scale. The Bagel Scale is a rating system I devised several years ago when I was working on an analogy and trying to describe that weeks crush. Basically, you rate a boy based on your favorite bagel. My most favorite bagel is a toss up between a Rye bagel from Golden Meyers and an Egg Everything (including salt), both with butter. So when I find a find a manfriend that has lots of the things I look for in a boy, he gets the Rye seal of approval. I'll also occasionally go for a Cinnamon raisin or Onion bagel...justttt putting that out there. There are also the not so great dudes that get compared to stale bagels, plain bagels, burnt bagels, or have toppings that I'm not a fan of, such as lox. Which one are you?

Let's see other things I've done recently....OH! Shana & I went to see The Time Traveler's Wife last week. Now, let me preface with this: I read the book. I read that book in 3 days, and I did not cry. Holy fucking shit. I sat down in the movie theatre and within an hour I was sobbing like a little kid on the first day of kindergarten. I haven't balled like that since Basil died....or the first time I saw The Notebook. Geez. I had to come home and go to bed because my eyes burned from all the mascara that fell in them, my head hurt from sniffling and I felt emotionally drained. Also, can we talk about how Eric Bana totally looks like Jim Adkins (Jimmy Eat World) for most of the movie? It just threw me all off.

Ok, that's enough. It's time for bed.
BTW - all those pics are from Aruba, I've been busy and just now finding time to edit some more.