Until then, we're stuck living in this icy tundra. In real life, my street looks exactly like all these photos, except less blurry. I actually kinda love the way my town looks when it snows. Even though it's a pain in le ass, it's got a pretty classic look to it. Perhaps this is why they were shooting a new show called "The Unusuals" here the other day? Anyway, I remember the blizzard of 1996? and going sledding down one of the big hills a couple blocks away. We had this shitty lavender sled that moved like lightning and cracked when I sat in it. I looked like a cross between Clark W. Griswold and Helga from The Oblongs speeding down that hill. Of course the ropes to steer the thing never worked and I wound up face first in a bunch of reeds, which may or may not have resulted in a nose bleed. To make matters worse, because I was so chubs and had little to no upper arm strength, I couldn't make it back up the slope. My brother had to come halfway down to meet me & extend his leg out and pull me up. Ahhh the good ole days. I probably went home and had my mom make me some hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and threw a party for my Beanie Babies after this.

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