Thursday, February 19, 2009

Amusement or treasure, these optimistic pleasures Like the Ferris Wheel!

Contrary to that little title, this post does not include one ferris wheel. How sad! Summer needs to get here quick so I can get to every possible longuyland fair and take one too many pictures of gigantic spinning wheels that make me smile.

Speaking of smiling and other odd facial expressions, every now and again I like to shut my bedroom door and practice different faces for my camera. You know you do it too. Most of mine come out a bit Downs-y. Which immediately gives me flashbacks to the Christmas where my family was playing Trivial Pursuit and after downing one too many CC Manhattan On The Rocks, my Dad announced "We didn't think you were going to make it past the age of two. Yea, we all thought you had...what's that thing called? Oh yea! Down Syndrome! I'm serious." Man did I prove you wrong or what, Pops?

Ocean City or Bust!


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