I also love The Format. And
Kittens, Inspired by Kittens - it's like the
Cunningham Muffins of cats!
Well another Valentine's Day has come and gone. I think this was probably my most favorite one to date. I did almost exactly what I said I was going to do: bake, watch The Office, and drink beers with my friends. And I lahhhhhhved every minute of it. The Hamptons part didn't happen, but that just means it will only be more special when we head out St. Patrick's Day weekend! Horrah! Less than one month left. Better start a-packin'.
These are the cherry pie filled cupcakes I made - complete with homemade marshmallow icing. The lil bastids took 3 hours to bake and as of 1AM Wednesday morning, there's only one left. When I had my first bite, I giggled like a little girl who had accidentally wandered into the boys locker room. I may have blushed a little too.

While trying to locate ingredients (it's unbelievable how hard it is to find corn syrup & buttermilk in Queens), I also picked up some of my favorite flowers and made a little arrangement. Unfortunately, no hydrangeas could be found at either Stop & Shop or Walbaums. They still made me smile though.

The rest of my three day weekend was spent nursing a stomach ache, watching Madagascar 2 and The OC, spending money on clothes I don't really need but looked really cute in, mani/pedis and sushi, celebrating Ali's birthday, finally getting around to getting my
Tara McPherson print framed and sleeping till 2PM. Ah yes, the stuff dreams are made of.