Well look at this! Not only is this here blog my first entry written as a mature 25 year old (wearing a crazy mature shirt that has a cat with cowboy boots on and says "I Love Country Meowsic"), but it's also my 100th post. NUTS! Also nucking futs, in that really freaky, "OMG I'M TOTALLY OLD" kinda way, I received my first ever birthday card that called me a "woman" this year. Does this mean I have to stop going to
Disney On Ice until I have kids? Because that would really suck.

Here are some new pics of Lily. She's growing sooooo fast. In this one she's saying "MA! stop takin' my pict-chur." In my mind, sometimes she sounds like the girl version of Jonathan Lipniki when he was in his hayday. Shortly after this photo was taken, she pounced on my camera and sauntered off saying "Warnedcha."

How? How? Howwwww am I going to live with out that face for seven whole days?! Tomorrow, I'm off to Aruba for family fun time.
This year, I've been upgraded from sharing a bed (not a typo) with my parents, to having my very own couch in the living room. YAY! 25 is great!
Can't wait to show off my tan.