this weekend may have been one of the best ones i've had in a long time.
when i got off the train Friday night i heard all the little kids screaming - the carnival's in town. it's so weird...i went to that carnival every year growing up and i have so many memories from the time i went with michelle in 6th grade, right after we ate dinner, and she puked up spaghetti and clam sauce after we rode the Zipper. or that time when i wore liquid eyeliner for the first time and met up with that dude and found out he was back with his ex girlfriend. or all the nights we'd go to get zeppoli's and i was amazed by the lights....

anyway, there was madddd drama between all the 15 year olds. it's odd to see all these kids not really being kids and enjoying what carnivals are all about. instead it was like some twisted version of Lord of the Flies where the kids were just smoking, and kissing and fighting. i don't remember the carnival being like that when i was little. then again, i was naive and had only beanie babies as friends for most of my adolescence.

at any rate, it put me in a good mood. i went home cracked open a 40 with Jamie, watched a little of Knocked Up and then headed out for a night of debauchery on Bell. When we got home at 4 am, we watched Knocked Up again.

Saturday morning i woke up next to Jamie, looked on the floor and said "You son of a bitch. you had white castle last night?!". She then recapped some of the missing pieces of the night before and told me that she had offered me White Castle, but i had refused. Shana came over and hopped into bed with us, where we, you guessed it, watched Knocked Up yet again and laughed over and over again.

that was pretty much it. we were going to go out last night but jamie thought she had pink eye (it was only an allergic reaction to my cat - not from anyone farting on her pillows) and we went our separate ways. so i caught James Franco on SNL - he's so hot right now - and watched Across The Universe till i fell asleep.
and i leave you with an IM my friend Rocks just sent me:
"did I ever tell u about that friend _____'s mom walked out of the bathroom and she smelt really I was like ____, what kinda perfume did u just use, I want she laughed and said summers eve...and showed be the bottle of vag spray hahahahahaaa"
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