- monday i went to my friend Rae's bday party @ a cute lil bar on Waverly. I think i'd like to go back there and try a drink. They looked intense but bc i caught the plague, i opted not to have one and save my energy for the following night. sorry girl!
- tuesday was 3OH!3. I got to have many a hoegaardens before cutting a rug @ the show, which made me a very happy girl. I love the first sip of a hoegaarden. It's like kissing a boyfriend after not seeing him for a few weeks. Anyway, I don't think I've bounced (like my pants had the hick ups) at a show like that since i was 17. I wish the Boston girls could have joined our dance party.
- last night was TAI/WTK. Like 3OH!3, it was the first time i had seen these guys play since warped. That's where these pictures are from. I wasn't so fond of the smell of hotdogs Roseland had goin on, but it was nice to see lots of faces that had been away for so long.
- tonight midnight showing of Twilight. I am either going to miserable bc i'm the oldest person in the theatre and i'm cranky bc i'm tired OR miserable bc i'm "bitter" and Smyers sucks...(pun intended?)
- tomorrow night is the Islander/Devils game. The Devils are going down. And so is it Whit. Then he'll have to do something worse then drinking Fruit Punch & Cotton Candy. Any suggestions?
- saturday is ETID & The Bronx. I'm going to punch someone in the face.
- sunday i'm going to see the Radio City Christmas Show for the first time since I was like 12. I can't wait for them to bring that camel out on stage. That's my favorite part. That, and when the little snowmen ice skate. $10 says I cry.
Also, Alan finally came back. He'd be gone since June so it was so so so so so nice to sit down and talk to him for a while. He made my heart smile.
As much as i'm kinda hate the cold (i feel i met my quota of harsh winters in college) i LOVE winter activities - ginger bread houses, ice skating, christmas, the whole shebang. Things i want to do this winter include, but are not limited to:
- going to the Bronx Zoo during the holiday season - i've done this before & got my face painted w/a flock of zebras running across. it was theee coolest.
- iceskating @ bryant park or south street seaport
- put the christmas lights up with my dad
- see the icecapades - it's going to be a good one this year
- tailgate 20 billion hockey games
- have a nice wormers afternoon