what an absolutely incredible weekend! Scotch Tape has shown me the secret of life. it is the most amazing website in the universe and i need to keep it a secret...but let's just say it has forever changed the way i will
drink beer. friday night we took advantage of unsaid website and decided to get beers like manly men! we were supposed to go to the manhattan croxley's (sidenote - can't wait for farmingdale croxley's to open) but their outdoor seating was closed, so we went to d.b.a...no one told doug. oops. i had this south hampton beer that was something like 10% alcoholy and was so ting-tangy it burned my tongue.
saturday i woke up bright & early (noonish) and watched part of The Queen before i had to scoop up Gaby from the train, then it was off to good ole connecticut-it-out to see GCH & IATA. We showed up and it was like walking in to heaven. T-Pain was on a stage in the middle of a lawn in the center of all these little apartments on the University Of Hartford's WET CAMPUS. Kids were walking around campus, in front of cops, with 24 racks of natty ice & keystone light. The thought of not having to sneak alcohol around your college campus is a foreign concept to me and i think if it had been a reality i may never have graduated college and/or would definitely have a criminal record. Anyway, the show was great, i had tons of fun hanging w/my favorites that i haven't seen in months. lots of dance parties. exhibit a.

there's no evidence of the dance party on the bus, but danielle & brian have some moves & outkast will never sound the same. the highlight of the night was not seranwrapping a bus, throwing balls at people, riding a razor scooter, discovering how great sour cream&onion pringles + humus taste, the naked girls during clothes off, or the bra's being thrown on stage, no....but when mr. spett let me be in charge of the lights. it was so much fun. i think i've found a new calling.
because we got so lost on saturday night, yesterday i went out & bought a navigation system. i've named him ross. On top of seeing baby mama (i give it an "eh"), i went bidding on ebay and got this jem:
i can't wait for this to get here

i think we're going to have a long happy life together